
cotton textile [tissue] 棉織品。

cotton thread

In this paper is listed the output of textile fibers produced in china and the world in 2005 , and described the global production of cotton in the recent 10 years and its processing situation , the state of china ' s cotton importation and textiles exportation , and the new ideas in the development of cotton textiles , garment , home and industrial textiles 摘要列表介紹了2005年世界和中國紡織纖維的產量,近10年世界棉花生產及加工形勢,中國棉花進口和紡織品進出口情況,提出了棉紡織產品的開發思路,并對服裝用、家用和產業用紡織品的開發分別進行了闡述。

Clothing , footwear , caps , food and drinks , chemical products , light industrial products , electronics , leather goods , bags , craft products , porcelain , kit goods , cotton textiles , furniture , toys , construction materials , groceries , etc . about 200 international retail group corporations and international purchase agencies will participate in this fair from eu , ase an , 交易會設立個國際標準展位,組織近千家質量優良的服裝鞋帽食品飲料化工輕工電器電子皮革箱包工藝精品陶瓷器皿針棉織品居家用品玩具建材家具紡織品日用日雜等各類消費商品及工業產品參會展示交易共有

3 . the objective hand estimation of fabrics has been the subject of research in textile area , and a great achievements in wool textiles , cotton textiles and other middle thick textiles have been made . because of the complication of silk textiles and their fine texture , there have not been some effective methods of objective hand estimation for silk textiles 織物風格的客觀評價一直是人們追求和研究的課題,并在毛織物、棉織物及其他中厚型織物上取得了可喜的成果,但因絲織物的品種復雜性及織物非常輕薄,到目前為止還沒有有效的絲織物風格客觀評價方法。

Especially . the cotton textile industry . after the development of import substitution , obtained the ability which leaded to the exportment , the ability of international competition was powered because of the above change of export process industry and the lift of the level of export substitution , its played an important role to push economic development in modem china 正是由于出口加工業的上述變化和出口替代水平的提高,它對近代中國的經濟發展所起的推動作用也是重大的。它擴大了出口,奠定了創匯的堅實基礎,很大程度上平衡了外貿上的赤字差距,提供了工業化所需的資金。

But , because of different competitive power , the most beneficial industry is sick industry , then followed by costume industry , cotton textile industry , woolen textile industry and liner fabrics industry due to the technology and scale , the competition may bring some negation effect 但從分行業來看,由于各子行業的競爭力不同,加入wto受益由大到小依次是絲綢和服裝行業、綿紡織業、毛紡織、麻紡織,由于技術和規模等原因可能有負面影響。

Comparing with skf model of drafting mode , double - short - leather apron curvilinear drafting mode is simpler in structure and more convenient in operation and greatly decreases the cost of leather apron , helping cotton textile industry achieving excellent economic benefits 雙短皮圈曲線牽伸形式比skf型牽伸形式在結構上更為簡單,操作更為方便,并且大幅度降低了皮圈的費用,將為棉紡行業取得良好的經濟效益。

1 . advanced technique relying on precise production program , scientific proportioning and contemporary hi - tech compounding art , full - cotton far infrared functional textile product is made as far infrared emitters embed the full - cotton textile evenly 它以科學的配比嚴格程序,采用當代高新復合技術將遠紅外發射體均勻地滲透在純棉織物上,制成純棉遠紅外功能織物。

It is a major productive base which exports clothes , shoes and suitcasesgaoyou jingwei textile co . ltd and the second cotton textile factory have 120 thousand spindles and produce 21 thousand tons of gauze and 41 million meters of cloth annually 現有從業人數達6萬多人。年產各類服裝1億件套,其中羽絨服3000萬件,棉紗2 . 5萬噸,產品出口20多個國家及地區。

In particular , its salt industry and textile industry important to national economy and people ' s livelihood were prosperous , making it a well - known production base of sea salt and cotton textiles 其中,對國計民生產生重大影響的制鹽業與紡織業尤為興盛,成為中國古代著名的海鹽與棉紡織品生產基地。

From the start , the industrial revolution was based on cotton textiles , gradually adding woollens to the list and , in the late 1960s , man - made fibres and made - up garments 香港的工業最初以棉織業為主,其后逐漸發展毛織業,到六十年代后期,更擴展至人造纖維和成衣制造業。

The letter also suggests that domestic supports , export subsidies , and tariffs for cotton ( including cotton textiles ) be cut substantially as part of a comprehensive agreement 他建議就取消農業出口補貼商定截止日期,并敦促(各國)大幅度削減對本國農業的支持。

Founded in 1994 , fujian jingwei ( group ) co . , ltd . was transformed from the original changle cotton textile factory which first came into existence as early as 1987 福建經緯集團前身為長樂市棉紡織廠創辦于1987年。 1994年以棉紡織廠為核心組建成福建經緯集團有限公司。

The fluctuations of cotton prices have exerted impact on the textile industry because the cotton price accounts for about 70 percent of cotton textile production cost 由于棉花價格占棉紡織品成本的大約70 %左右,因而棉花價格的波動會對棉紡織工業產生顯著的影響。

Our products are widely used in manufacturing bedding , stuffed toys , cotton textile , non - woven cloth , coating spraying cotton , etc . , and polyester dty 產品廣泛適用于床上用品玩具填充棉紡無紡布噴膠棉制造及滌綸絲加彈等行業。

“ domestic cotton textile companies need to change their product structure to avoid possible overcapacity , “ said xu 徐文英說: “為了避免可能出現的生產力過剩,國內棉紡織企業需要改變他們的產品結構。 ”

We have pleasure in advising you that we are well placed to supply cotton textiles which have already met with a warm reception abroad 欣告貴方,在國外頗受歡迎的棉紡織品我方已做好供貨準備。

Ozerna liquid is a highly alkaline , liquid single - purpose detergent for heavily soiled cotton textiles and blended fibres Ozerna liquid是一種高堿的,重污去漬劑,可用于棉織物和混合織物。

The paper discusses the technology to develop tencel / linen blended yarn fabric on cotton textile machine 摘要討論了利用棉型設備開發天絲亞麻混紡織物的工藝。

Gao - lang - qiao : formation of a residential area of cotton textile workers in east shanghai during 1914 - 1949 1949年滬東一個棉紡織工人生活區的形成上